Saturday, October 25, 2008

Things I've become obsessed with. . .

Strawberry preserves
McDonald's, "ice cream cone in a cup"
French fries, especially if they're on J's plate
Sonic Diet Cokes "light ice"
Saltines, unsalted
Grilled turkey & cheese sandwhiches
Hungry Hannah's grill chic (I ask J to take me at least once a week)

Race training slightly delayed

Jarrett and I had a bit of a scare on Monday at our regular Dr. Strickland visit. We were expecting the usual plus ultrasound pictures. It was hard to sleep Sunday night. We were anxious to see if Baby B would give us a glimpse of his or her face!
Well, Baby B gave us a peek of that sweet face, but wasn't as excited about the morning's events as mom and dad. His/Her heartbeat was not reactive (not accelerating with movement). And the nurses thought the physical measurements were small. After what seemed like LOTS of tense moments and jogging doc's memory we realized that my beta blocker was probably the source of the problem (It's a med I take for mitral valve prolapse that slows my heart. I take a pretty significant dose and needed to continue in pregnancy). Long story short, I cut the b-blocker in half and Baby B is much more excited to be in my uterus these days! I wish he/she would move a little more. I'm giving him/her a few more weeks before road race training starts! Dad made me feel much better tonight. He says Baby B is going to come out sporting a sweatband and "Nike Airs".

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So proud

Jarrett has totally embraced being a dad. I'm so proud of him. I think he's made it through Duvall's parental development stages faster than me. He's getting the nursery organized. Tonight he started putting together the Angel Monitor. I was stuck at the dining room table studying gestational complications--can you imagine?
Most folks could tell he is ready to be Daddy J this past weekend.
Check out Eli and him workin' the Brunswick stew pot!