Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Miss Bonnie!
Fin is a dog lover like you. She even wants to share a room with her pup!

Are you serious?

Has it really been since November since I blogged?. . . um, 'tis the season :) I would like to think that I'm superwoman/supermom, but the truth is I am FAR from it. The holidays definitely got the best of me. Lesson learned: Plan way in advance. August is not too early to begin Christmas prep. I greatly apologize for my lack of Bridges's Chatter updates.

On with the latest. . . EMILY ELOISE arrives tomorrow!!! The Herndons, Bridges and Carters are ready, bellies full from a pregame meal at Pablos. Sam cried for tomatoes (his latest fave), Eli spouted funny stuff he has learned at school (from his friends of course) and Finley chowed on rice and salsa(after Daddy J panicked she wasn't eating enough). It was eventful. I still find it hard to believe that I'm Jarrett's calming factor.

Last, but certainly NOT LEAST, today is one of our most favorite people in the world's Birthday!!!!! Bonnie, our precious neighbor across the street that many of you have heard us rave about is celebrating her big day. We are so thankful for her. Happy Birthday Bonnie!!!